Saturday, August 18, 2012

14 days @ sea

after 2 weeks
no murders,
no raised voices
and nary a complaint about the food

still motoring along
those little grib wind feathers are showing under 10 mostly from behind
still we managed some easy sailing with poled out jib and main.
Seaman Auto does most of the driving -and doing it well I might add.
funny part is swells roll the boat and sometimes it's hard to get any
sleep cause you keep rolling athwartships with the boat.

Are starting to see ships slightly more regularly -particularly at night.
Thanks to the magic of A.I.S. we can identify them.
'spose that's to be expected as we near a major port.
One ship even said they saw us on RADAR

all took showers yesterday in the forward shower stall
felt good to get clean & put on clean clothes... FYI half the crew shaved

lunch was pizza
dinner was pasta last night with a left overs added into the marinara
and for those worried we're not getting our veggies -lunch today was 3
bean salad.
We are looking forward to Chief Commissary-man Stubblebeard preparing a
slumgullion sort of soup made with whatever not quite dead yet odds and
ends from storage locker to fridge.

and we are unfortunately running low on rum.
maybe half a bottle of Sailor Jerry's left in the Captain's private stash
suspect we'll survive this incipient crisis

Underassistant Yeoman-Bos'n (Striker)

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