Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Blog Post 8-10-16

Current position: 40-19, 147-32 motoring 90m at 5.6knts

Home James! or should i say "headed to the barn"

this is the moment we've all been waiting for...the winds to adjust enough so we can make our turn toward SF. as one knows sailing requires a bit of finesse, skill and good luck to use Mother Nature to an advantage. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Such is life! We had been taking advantage of the good winds during the trip by heading mostly north. only turning a bit east when the winds allowed. Plus, it was much more comfortable to crack off a bit and not point so much. After all we're cruising and not racing.

Our goal was to get to the Pacific high where the winds would be light enough for us to motor across going East. Once we pass the high, then winds would be more favorable (both angle and strength) to drive us directly to the GG Bridge. this year the high was WAY higher than in some years and the winds/waves stronger in the direction we wanted to sail. This required our more northerly route for so many days. finally late yesterday(?) we were able to sail AND head more east. Today, the winds lightened and we're motoring in the direction we actually want to go. So now we can say we're headed to the barn! Still close to 1,100nm to go, but at least in the right direction.

After our breakfast tacos and mangoes, we were treated to a pod of dolphin jumping and racing toward and around the boat. A spectacle to watch since this is the first wildlife, other than the crew and occasional bird, we've seen.

We seem to have plenty of food and water aboard and no shortness of humor and kidding around. Rockstar Ruben keeps us well trimmed and going fast; do anything Andy answers everyone's call for help and supplies great dinners; Pat works the daily roll call, breakfasts and blogging while the Warlord plots our next move.

All's good aboard TIKI Blue!

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